Plan to meet expectations

Customer expectations have changed dramatically in recent years. Digital transformation and the pace of technology evolution leads to new consumer behaviours. Up to 60 per cent of all Internet transactions are now through smartphones and tablets. Performance expectations are constantly changing too, which is why we involve customers from the start and plan for the future. Failure can lead to lost revenues, bad press and much more. Our experience and integrated Human Quality Toolbox delivers the performance your customers expect.

See this case study for a reminder of what's at stake.

We test the whole experience

Performance is not just about the reliability of technology. Customers intuitively measure their experience at every contact point with your organisation and you can’t stop them from doing this. They compare their experience against their own expectations, not against a set of requirements.

A quality assurance and testing professional who understands customer expectations and local customer context will always give you a better result than one who doesn’t. Only then can we answer the question, does it work as expected. We can tell you about your system in terms of;

  • Responsiveness - how long people have to wait between actions
  • Stability - how well your system works under varying loads
  • Scalability - how much load your system can cope with
  • Stress - how your system behaves under excessive load

Our people work with your people to find and fix performance problems, test using your infrastructure or our hosted solutions, transfer knowledge to your people so your team know how to test in the future, and, tap into our partnerships to bring you the best tools possible. We test so your customers don't have to.  The results help take your technology from simply being functional to delivering Human Quality that meets and exceeds customer expectations.