We test so your customers don't have to

We believe that a quality customer experience is a right, not an option. Customers shouldn't be the first to find out there's a problem. That's why we believe functional testing is not just about the reliability of technology. Our proprietary Human Quality Toolbox enables us to take a holistic approach and apply Human Quality measures. We do this by always asking;

  • Does it work as expected
  • Can they use it
  • Are they engaged
  • Will they be loyal
  • Is it planned

HQ Pulse  -  the heartbeat of quality

We developed HQ Pulse so that we can help our customers understand whether they are delivering Human Quality for their customers. Functional testing is often disconnected from customer expectations. We can test against requirements but we know they might not translate into what the customer expects. We asked ourselves, can we give our testers a voice; can we equip them to capture customer expectations and use these to measure the net quality score?

Our proprietary HQ Pulse captures expectations, ideally before the design and build phases have commenced. Then, by surveying the responses of testers or customers during functional test cycles we use HQ Pulse to report whether the technology delivered is likely to meet customer expectations and what action may be required to rectify it. We change the focus of functional testing from answering the question “does it work?” to “will it work?” allowing you the opportunity to proactively address issues.