Taking a balanced view

We are agnostic to test tools because one size does not fit all. AccessHQ is the only assurance and testing firm that remains completely independent and objective. You can be sure that we will only recommend and use tools that are best suited to the task at hand. Assurance and testing solutions enabled by tools is part of our DNA.

Automation is a valuable part of our Human Quality Toolbox but we use it selectively and advisedly. We do not blindly advocate automation as a silver bullet solution, nor do we slavishly represent a particular tool vendor. We will always advise whether or not a test tool can benefit you and, if so, how to procure and implement it effectively.

We use a wide range of tools every day

When we do recommend test tools you can feel confident that our consultants have all the technical skills and expertise needed to get the job done. This reflects the enormous diversity of our customers and business domains, the technologies that we test and the services we provide.