Your Quality Integrator

The IT industry is very used to the concept of a system integrator. We believe our industry needs the role of a quality integrator. We are that Quality Integrator.

In traditional Waterfall, V-model and even Agile approaches we see many disparate teams conducting various forms of testing during a project lifecycle. It follows, therefore, that the measures of quality cannot be consistent unless there is an overarching quality integration authority, an entity that ensures the right questions are asked, the best assurance and testing techniques are applied and the scope of testing is appropriate. Our lifecycle approach to quality integration ensures customer expectations are incorporated and met.

Innovative and authentic

Innovation has always been a central part of what AccessHQ is about. From our beginnings in the Innovation Centre at the Australian Technology Park, we bring thought leadership to our customers at any stage of the technology lifecycle. Whether it’s model based techniques for quality planning and management up front to make sure that your requirements are correct, or whether it’s eye-tracking technology to literally see through the eyes of your customer, or the Human Quality pulse in functional testing – we bring the thinking and tools to the table that enable you to achieve your goals with technology.

Prevention is better than cure

The medical logic of prevention rather than cure is equally applicable to technology systems. Unfortunately, as the IT world has become increasingly siloed and commoditised this logic has been set aside. The result is more issues than ever before with technology systems and ironically more cost than ever before, despite a mass movement to lower cost economies for delivery. It doesn’t have to be this way.

“Organisations are spending far too much time and money dealing with the symptoms of poor quality in technology, rather than dealing with the causes of poor quality”

- Tony Bailey, CEO AccessHQ

Your technology has to be integrated across the planning phase of technology, the building phase of technology and the deployment of your technology to real people. Human Quality is not a "once-off" thing; it is an organisational mindset, which has to be planned. At AccessHQ, we always start with the business goal and the customer expectations you are trying to deliver. From that starting point we make sure that your business goals permeate through your requirements, through your functional specifications and through your quality assurance and testing. Ultimately, our goal is that your business and technology deliver the Human Quality you want for your customers.