AccessHQ Toolbox explained


Over many years we’ve developed a proprietary Human Quality Toolbox and guiding principles. The Toolbox enables our customers to deliver the Human Quality that they want for their customers.

Our Human Quality Toolbox recognizes that in order to deliver Human Quality from technology you have to have the harmony of the business, of IT and of the customers.  It also recognizes that there’s a technology life cycle that incorporates the planning of technology, the building of technology and the deployment of technology for real customers.

Our Toolbox enables us to provide services across 3 areas:

  • Services that deal with quality planning and management
  • Services that deal with quality assurance and control across the building phase of technology
  • And, services that deal with delivering quality insights and improvement for your deployed technology

We talk about five questions to Human Quality:

  • Right from the beginning, is the Human Quality planned; does it work as expected through the technology build phase?
  • Can they use it?
  • Are they engaged with it?
  • And, ultimately, are they satisfied with it?
  • And, will they be loyal?

"Because satisfaction and loyalty is tied in to business success."

- AccessHQ CEO, Tony Bailey

Every IT project begins with a business idea.  To improve something for a customer, to drive some efficiency and that’s where we begin, right at the planning phase. So, our starting point is to understand the business rationale behind the IT project. What are the customer expectations you’re trying to deliver on? What are the … what’s the new functionality you’re trying to deliver? What are the customer experiences you’re trying to deliver?

From that starting point we make sure that your business goals permeate through your requirements; that they permeate through your functional specifications and your testing. And, ultimately that they deliver the human quality that you want for your customers and make the plan a success.

For the business, we make sure that your requirements are right from the beginning. Because, if requirements are wrong from the beginning it’ll have major consequences down the line when you try to build the technology. We work with the IT team to make sure that the technology works as expected across the software development life cycle. We help them answer the questions; does it work as expected? Does it perform? Is it usable? Is it accessible? Is it secure? And, once the technology is in the hands of your customers we have a range of services to compare, monitor and improve it.

In today’s competitive market place the gap between innovation and imitation is very short and organisations know that technology will no longer give them a sustainable competitive advantage in the long term. Because everybody is using the same technology set. So, the delivery of superior customer experience is the path to profitability, the path to success.

The challenge with IT is how do you build that customer experience into your technology systems. And, we have the Toolbox that enables you to do that. We also have the expertise and the team of professionals who collaborate around that proprietary Toolbox to enable you to achieve your goal.